Humans are confusing sometimes. The lady at the dog school said I must have grown at least two feet since she saw me last week and it confused me so much that I couldn't really focus on the 'stay' and 'wait' exercises afterwards.
As an Entlebucher, I've never been good with numbers but I've been told I'd grow up to be a med
ium sized dog. So how could I have grown two feet in a week? My humans didn't seem to see the seriousness of the situation and just laughed at the comment, but I ran straight to the Internet as soon as I came home to double check some facts. Sure enough, the lady must have have gotten the dog/human translations wrong and what she actually meant was that I've grown two 'paws' in a week as Entlebuchers only grow to a height of 1.66 feet (50.8cm) as adults.
One of my humans has said this will have to come to an end soon as I'm getting quite heavy at 6.8kg - so I guess I will have to start checking out the furniture instead.
And talking about heights. My humans have been a little concerned that they accidentally bought themselves a lapdog as I love to be carried and to climb up in their laps for a cuddle at any given opportunity. They don't seem to realize that I can't help myself - its the Entlebucher in me who wants to get up higher for a good mountain view.

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