I used to be in such a rush to get to the park. After all, for a puppy that's where all the fun happens - mud puddles to explore, dogs to play with and toys to chase. I would do anything to get there faster, and have become somewhat an expert on dragging my humans there quickly.
All that is behind me now as I have discovered the ancient art of leg cocking. Now I slowly swagger down the street, stopping at every tree and lamp post and carefully examine their scents before proudly leaving my mark on top of the others. My humans don't seem to appreciate the subtle differences between the scent of one tree and another and seem quite bored with the whole process. In fact, now they are pulling me to the park which is a new experience entirely.
Yesterday I met a new friend called Oscar. He is a Mountain dog too, but a '
Maremma' from Italy. His human said they're bred to walk amongst the sheep and protect them against predators. I don't think I could ever have the patience and self control do that, I like the taste of sheep skin too much. In fact, Oscar's fluffy white coat reminded me so much of the sheep skin my humans took away from me because I couldn't stop chewing it that I couldn't resist the temptation. I simply had to see if his coat tasted the same. Luckily these things aren't considered rude between dogs and one big mouthful of fur later I had learned that not only does his coat not taste of sheep, but he is a pretty good wrestler too.
Nope, doesn't taste like sheep! |
Mountain dogs wrestling! |
Nothing like a good game of chase with a friend! |
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